Already at committee level at the congress, where delegates discuss issues in small groups, it was apparent that the motion on SULF’s position on the conflict in Gaza would generate debate. The schedule was rearranged so that the issue was the last proposal on the agenda.
The motion called for SULF to take an active stance in favour of a ceasefire by promoting an academic boycott of cooperation with Israeli universities.
When the issue reached the plenary the following day, Haro De Grauw from the SULF Association Board emphasised that he would of course like to see a ceasefire, but that the Association Board did not feel the need to take a position on the matter.
“We would like to express deep sympathy for all those affected by these conflicts,” he said, “but having said that, that is not what we are to make a decision on today, whether we are worried or not, because I think we all are.”
Haro De Grauw
3rd Vice President of the SULF Association Board
De Grauw stressed that SULF is a trade union, whose mission is to fight for its members’ conditions and freedom to pursue their profession. He also explained that the Board’s position is that we want to make a difference in this type of situation by fighting for a free higher education sector in Sweden and internationally.
“Creating a future characterised by democracy, peace and freedom is like a huge jigsaw puzzle. The question is what piece of the puzzle we can best provide,” he said.
Congress delegate Dominic Mealy, a doctoral candidate at Lund University, submitted several different proposals on the issue.
“In a broader context, SULF is an outlier on this issue,” he said. “The global trade union organisation Education International, of which SULF is a member, has issued strong statements regarding the conflict.”
Mealy pointed out that this is not about SULF taking a political position.
“It is about supporting fundamental principles such as solidarity, academic freedom and liberty.”
47 of 71 Congress delegates voted in favour of a public statement in support of a ceasefire, which SULF then issued on December 9th. 52 delegates voted in favour of SULF cooperating with Swedish HE institutions and the government to provide support to university teachers, researchers and doctoral students fleeing conflict. The Congress also agreed that the union should create a policy for its international solidarity work.
Other decisions taken at the congress:
SULF will push for the local parties to be able to opt out of salary-setting dialogues. The Congress also agreed that the union should investigate different salary setting models.
The next SULF Congress in 2027 will provide simultaneous interpretation from Swedish to English not only in the plenary but also in the committees – if it is not deemed too expensive.