Förutsättningarna för att söka och hantera information förändras ständigt i och med digitaliseringen. Enligt en rapport från SUHF är inte medie- och informationskunnighet (MIK) så...
Hallå där Maria Wolrath Söderberg, docent i retorik vid Södertörns högskola, som med...
Som rådgivare till nötköttsbönder kan nydisputerade Kristina Holmström nu använda egna forskningsresultat för...
A report from SUHF paints a bleak picture of accelerating bureaucratisation of HE...
A government inquiry has proposed rule changes to make it easier for doctoral...
Mycket tyder på att en minskad andel av befolkningen kan få möjlighet att...
Vad kan man förvänta sig om framtiden för lärosätena på tio års sikt?...
Has it been a while since you looked your research in the eye? You are not the only one. Academia provides the perfect breeding ground...
He is a historian who speaks a handful of languages and has a decent command of several more. He became a genocide researcher by chance....
The signs are that a smaller proportion of the population may be able to study at university in the future, which in the long term...
What can we expect from higher education institutions in the coming ten years? Universitetsläraren has talked to some key figures in the sector about what...
A survey by the Union of Civil Servants (ST) shows that 40 per cent of its members in the higher education sector have seen an...
At 6 out of 38 higher education institutions, the employer offers free feminine hygiene products to employees. At 15 institutions, students have access to it,...
Almost three years after a doctoral candidate in Örebro had their thesis work reported for breach of the Ethical Review Act, they have now completed...